Poeming it out
One of the ways in which I am showing up and doing the work this summer is through Liz Lamoreux's Poeming It Out workshop. She is just one of my favourite people in the wild, wild web and to spend some moments each day listening to her sharing her gentle self with us is a pleasure. The work she has us doing brings me, for a time each day, deeper in the moment, closer to my journal and closer to myself. Here are a couple of recent poem snapshots. (I was looking for a delicious portmanteau to cover that idea, but poemshot, snap-poem or poemaroid just didn't work for me. If you have any ideas, please please share!)
Silver etched glass bay
Velvet wind buffets my cheek
Yellow grass like fur
Fresh coffee outside
With feet against worn deck wood
How I am grounded
(edited - first poem was only meant to appear once)
August Break
Thought I would participate in the lovely Susannah Conway's August Break to give me a gentle way of turning up here over the remainder of the summer.