Tired but happy but oh so tired

I have just got home from the final day of the Lomography Congress in London. It was so much more intense that I anticipated. I have only been home to sleep, and not enough of that! I took some terrible photos and some amazing photos. I met all kinds of wonderful people. I've been at parties in bowling alleys, ships and parks. I've learned some stuff and bought some stuff and shared some stuff. I am just worn right out. I love meeting new people in theory, but I also find it incredibly draining.

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Ups and downs

It's true, I've neglected you. I'm sorry. I've been a bit off kilter. I left salaried employment on the last day of August. We are looking for a simpler life and with us both trapped on career treadmills we were so far off the way we wanted to live. It is the right decision and I am happy about it, but I have been working since I was 17, so it is a weird feeling and a period of transition.

Meanwhile though, look how pretty! I made this journal from old dictionary covers and Bockingford watercolour paper. I am SO happy with it.

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Sunday Scribblings - Writing


Writing is the open line to my authentic self. Talking is open to misinterpretation. Talking leads me into statements that I cannot support. Talking loses my point and my focus. Writing keeps me true.
I am neither a good writer nor a bad writer. I am a writer. It is how I reflect on my experiences and how I remember how things were at the time. It is how I work through my feelings and discover how I am feeling. It is how I make an argument most convincingly, and it is also how I mend fences after an argument.
Through writing I learn and through writing I teach.
Through writing, I live.

Created for Sunday Scribblings - to read other responses, follow the link in the sidebar to the right.

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