Inspire Me Thursday: Blogging

So why do I blog? I had mixed feelings about it for a very long time. I have clear views on the sort of blog I don't want to have. It was a longer path toward knowing what sort of blog I did want. MY husband says he loves my blog because it sounds like me. That to me is success, made clear in this quote from Inspire Me Thursday.

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than write for the public and have no self."
                                    Cyril Connolly

I started a blog primarily because I wanted gallery space that wasn't attached to any particular forum or audience. As I started making entries to fill the space, I enjoyed the feeling of speaking aloud in an empty room. As time wore on, I became more aware of the inner critic, and the potential outer critics. I lost focus and my writing became stilted. I echoed back to childhood diaries, when I had time to write I had nothing to write and when I had things to talk about, there was no time. It is relatively recently that I decided to focus in on my artistic journey, to share and (perhaps) inspire, to create mindfully and to live artfully.

As the writing became more satisfying, more authentically *me*, people were drawn to my little patch of the web and I began to form connections with people that I fully believe I would connect with in person. The blogs I read belong to such people, and to people that I have connected with in real life.

On reflection, yes, a blog is a new form of anonymous listener, the 'dear diary' of now; and yes, a blog is a visual journal, allowing us to blend word, photography, art and typography together in a way that defines and describes us. More than this though, to blog is to engage in a worldwide conversation, where everyone brings the best of their hearts and minds and receive in return an ear and a supporting arm.

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The Lows

Sometimes I have an uncomfortable relationship with scrapbooking. In some contexts it has such a bad reputation, cutesy and twee, represented by the heavy use of certain items and a style that I will leave to your imagination. I certainly don't mean to disrespect anybody's work, I am speaking about a stereotypical image of scrapbooking. If I feel someone won't understand and I am not in a position to show them what I mean, I'll keep quiet about it, which feels like a betrayal of myself. I've had pages published, both in readers galleries and by commission. What I am aspiring to is my artwork and my scrapbooking becoming more integrated. I definitely believe that scrapbooking can be art. Any doubts? (check out Emily Falconbridge).

It has been an uneasy week. I haven't been sleeping well over the past week or so. I have neither been ill or healthy, just the usual teacher collapse at the start of the holidays, no doubt. I took our cat of beauty to the vet to have a couple of lumps looked at and he ended up being admitted today to have them cut out.  He is home now and well, but it has been a worrying few days.

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Cleaning house

Dsc_2907 I have found over the last couple of years that life and the universe present me with themes on a regular basis. I forget the first one, but it was huge and important and relevant at the time. I seem to have two big concepts floating around at the moment: CONNECT! and clearing space.

So there I am in the art/sewing/junk/little bedroom trying to clear space. I want to make stuff, make art, make connections, and this room is supposed to be the core of that. So I am cleaning house, in the spiritual sense as much as the physical. I am shedding all the hoarding I have done, hoarding in place of doing: books bought without time to make anything; materials and instructions for techniques I tried & rejected; magpie findings; projects gone off the boil. All of that is there, plus books and papers from 7 years of college, boxes of memorabilia, coffee table and travel books. It is a constant sifting and resifting process, but with each cycle, a little more of the creative space underneath is uncovered. And the cat is rejoicing in each new space and claiming for his own. Ha!

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